The following scholars have provided comments, advice, and content for Trade in Early Modern London, for which AM is very grateful:

Ian Archer
Associate Professor in History, University of Oxford

José Miguel Alcolado Carnicero
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Celeste Chamberland
Associate Professor in History, Roosevelt University

Matthew Davies
Executive Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Urban History at Birkbeck University, London

Katherine French
Professor of History, University of Michigan

Tracey Hill
Emerita Professor of Early Modern Literature and Culture, Bath Spa University

Chris Mounsey
Professor of Eighteenth-Century English Literature, Winchester University

Patrick Wallis 
Professor of Economic History, London School of Economics

Joseph Ward
Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of History, Utah State University


We would also like to acknowledge and thank Ian Stone, Resident Scholar, Dartmouth College NH, for contributing an essay to this resource.